Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Friday, June 11, 2010

Surgery Day

Hi Everyone,

Today was Fozzie's surgery. Spoke to the surgeon and it went well. His spinal cord was definitely be compressed. At this point there is no way to know if the compression did permanent damage. Over the next few weeks we will be monitoring Fozzie to see how much control he has over his rear legs. Our hope is he will be able to regain full control, but we will love Fozzie no matter what happens. Fozzie will remain in the hospital for at least the next 3 days. He is on aggressive pain medication and sedation. The surgeon mentioned on the phone today that his procedure, given the location (on the curvature of the spine) was extremely painful :-( I just called to check on him, the nurse said he was resting comfortably, held his little head up slightly and was looking around watching everyone. That sure sounds like the Foz. I am hoping they will let me visit the lil man on Sunday, but it is up to the Doctor on duty. They don't want him to get all riled up, so I may have to wait until he comes home. I will call in the morning to see how he is doing. The house is really quite without him. Please continue to keep Fozzie in your thoughts and prayers. Love you Fozzie...


  1. Foz! Get lots of rest and don't be afraid to ask for more pain meds! You'll be home and eating cream cheese really soon!

  2. We love you Fozzie Bear. You are a strong guy and no matter what the outcome, everyone will love you and you will have a wonderful life! Listen to the doctor and your Mom - they know what's best for you right now!
