Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day After Surgery

Foz here...don't tell mom I am on a computer, I am supposed to be resting. I wish my foster mom was here...everyone is being really nice to me and I am getting lots of love, but I miss my mom. I did get some chicken cream cheese, I asked, but they didn't understand. Maybe mom will bring me some...I miss my mom (and cream cheese) My back is really sore today. I did get to go outside, they are walking me with a funny thing around my waist. I heard someone call it a sling. It is pretty cool...I can stand up with it...trying to get my legs to go, but they are still not cooperating. The nice lady said not to worry, just take it I am. I am having fun watching the people go by me, I try to get their attention when they look over my way. When I do a get some is cool. Well, I am getting tired now...I have been sleeping alot...everyone says that is good and what I should be doing. G'nite everyone...Fozzie

1 comment:

  1. Chicken is good, cream cheese is better. Take it slow. Lots of swelling post-op. It takes time, little man! You've got the rest of your you.
