Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Friday, June 4, 2010

2nd Surgical Consult

This Thurday Foz went in for another consult and examination. Foz has visibly been in pain the last few days and I know we need to come to a determination on how we can help him now. Is there a surgical option? Do we have to wait for him to grow more before surgery? What are the risks? So many questions, hopefully we will get some answers...Foz is going to have surgery on 6/10. They are going to do a Dorsal Decompression Laminectomy, which in laymans terms means they are going to open up Foz from the top, remove the portion of the spinal column that is damaged and try to take the pressure of the spinal cord. We are hoping this will help him gain control over his rear legs and relieve the pain he has been in. Until then he will remain on the steroids and Tramadol for the pain. Paws crossed for the Foz...

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