Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lazy Sunday!

Happy Sunday! Fozzie here, giving my foster mom another day off, she deserves it. We had such a fun day just hanging out at home together. I like when my foster mom is around, she talks to me a lot and I love it when she rubs my belly. She says I have a "Yogi Belly" not sure what that means but when she says it she rubs my tummy and it makes me happy. She says I give the best puppy kisses, I try. Today, while I was laying around in my dog bed, I was thinking just how lucky I am. I had a home, then I went to a noisy, cold place and then back to a better, loving home. I sure am lucky that my foster mom thinks I am special. I know mom is really worried about my surgery, I keep giving her kisses and tail wags so she knows I am okay, but she still gets sad. I am not nervous, I know everyone is doing what is best for me. I hope she will be okay. My foster dad seems better, he will be with me when I have my surgery, so I think that helps. I am kind of glad he will be there too, this way if I get scared he can hug me. Did I mention I love cream cheese? I had some more today. I don't know what's in it but boy do I love it! Oh, I got to check out the pool today, now I get it, it is a big water bowl! Mom says one day I will be swimming in one to help my rear end get stronger, she is so smart. Well, I better go and take a potty break, don't want to have an accident in the house. I know my foster mom says it is okay, but I really try not to do it. Sometimes the medication doesn't give me a chance to get outside, but I am feeling really good today so better get going! Kisses, Licks and Tail Wags...Fozzie out

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