Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Home Sweet Home!

Foz here...don't tell Mom I am on her computer, I am supposed to be resting :-) I am HOME!!! There is no place like home! Mom had cream cheese waiting for me and everything! I am a little bummed, I am stuck in the crate, everyone else is running around, mom says I need my rest. She says I need to get well and strong so I can play. I want to play. I am having a hard time moving around. I keep telling my rear legs to get up and go, but they aren't listening. Dr said it will take time, so I guess I have to be patient. Mom was helping me with a sling, I was able to move really fast with that, but I couldn't get away, she was chasing me though, that was fun. Did I mention I had my cream cheese tonight? I didn't have any at the hospital, I like being home. Well, I guess I better get some rest, mom says I need a nap. I am really not tired knows best. Nite...Fozzie


  1. Yes, mom knows best! Get lots of rest. Wayne-the-labby and I will be sending you positive vibes all night!

  2. Yeah Cream Cheese, Me (willy) and my mommy have our paws and hands crossed for you. We love you to pieces and my mom has even started giving me cream cheese, I lick my chops everytime. She reads me your posts, since I have yet learned to read, but I do bark in response to her, she likes that, she likes when I twirl around when she says go Fozzie Go@
