Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

I love when Mom is home! We had such a fun day...Happy Father's Day Dad! I know they are just fosters, but I love them just the same. (I think they feel the same about me) Mom spent a lot of time with me today, I love when she rubs my tummy and I give her kisses. I know she is worried about me, again. I have some swelling where they removed my spinal column. It has gotten a little worse over the last couple of days. I tell her not to worry, but I guess that is what moms do. It isn't slowing me down at all. Mom walked me around on my sling today, I told her I don't need it, but she says I am just a silly lil man. I was trying really hard to move my legs, everytime I did mom said I was a good boy, I like when she tells me that. I am really trying, sometimes they listen and other times they don't. Both mom and dad seemed happy with how they were working today. Mom says she can't wait to see my tail wag like it used was moving today, but I still just can't get it to do it when I am happy and want it to. I am lucky, my mom and dad are doing everything they can for me...I just want to be better so I can play with everyone soon. Mom said I maybe swimming next weekend...I have never swam before...oh, well, I was in a kiddie pool once, I liked that. Mom says she will swim with me...I love my mom...oh, but it is Father's day so better say I love my dad too. It is late and I am I better go to bed now...Nite...Licks...Fozzie

1 comment:

  1. p.s. Foz, the pool is so much fun!!!

    I hope your swelling went down today. Wayne-the-labby is sending you positive many vibes, he's pooped out on the floor, snoring!

    We love you Foz!
