Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Thursday, June 17, 2010

No Place Like Home

There is no place like home! Don't get me wrong, they took really good care of me at the Hospital, but I have my mom and dad here! I know it isn't easy on them. Today, I pooped and pee'd on my mom a couple of times. I really to be a good boy, but I am having a hard time holding it. I felt bad, but mom said it was okay and she just cleaned us up. That was cool considering she had to go back to work one of the times. She still gave me cream cheese tonight, so I know she loves me. We were doing some exercises earlier today, I was trying to nibble on her hand, she was giggling. I like when I make mom laugh. I guess I should be more serious though, mom tries really hard to hold me so I can stand and put weight on my legs. Sometimes when I get moving I think I am walking, I don't know if I am though. I can't wait to run around and play...for now I am stuck behind the bars...I have had a pretty busy day...I guess I should get some rest. Mom says I need all the rest I can so I can get better. She is a smart mom...Nite Foz

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