Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Tuesday!

Foz here...I had a busy two days. Yesterday I went to work with dad, well, I think they tell me that but I am really going to the vet. I like going with dad though, I get lots of attention all day. Mom was worried about the swelling on back, surgeon said I was over doing it. I was just being me! So, I am on limited duty and I get hot compresses twice a day. I really like those, they feel good. Mom said my Quasi Motto hump is going down, I think she is teasing me. Hot compresses aren't as good as cream cheese...I love cream cheese. I did a little walking around with my sling today. Mom said my legs were going every which way and I was being a silly boy. I was just happy to be up and moving! Couldn't do too much though, doctors orders. Mom says I am going to go swimming on July 3rd. I am not sure what that means, but I will be with mom so it should be fun. Well, guess I better get some rest. Dad is home tomorrow so it should be a busy day. Nite...Foz

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