Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mom Visited today!

Foz here...Mommy came to visit me today! She brought me cream cheese! I was so happy to see her...I tried so hard to stand up when she got there but I just couldn't. Mom started crying, I got pretty frustrated, but I did have cream cheese! I over heard mom talking to the Dr. he told her the MRI was one of the worst they had seen. They had to remove 4 inches of the top of my vertebrae to relieve the compression on my spine. I am really not sure what that means, but I do have an owie on my back from it. Mom says it is about 8 inches long. It felt so good to have mom rub my side and head. After I got upset that I couldn't stand I got tired and laid down. Mom sat with me for a long time, I fell asleep so I wasn't sure when she left. She was with me a while. She brought me a bone and some of my yummy food. Hospital food isn't so good...I like mom's food. I don't like seeing mom cry...she did that alot today. The Dr also said we have a long way to go to know if I will be okay...I am okay...well, I just can't stand up. (yawn) well I am getting tired again, tomorrow dad comes to work and I will see him! I hope I get to go home soon...Kisses, Slobbers and Licks Fozzie

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