Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Just another Saturday...I am feeling pretty good. Mom is worried though, I have some swelling on my back. Mom says it is where they removed some of my spinal cord. She is keeping an eye on it. I think it is going to mean a trip to the vet tomorrow to make sure everything is okay. Mom is a nervouse nellie, but she loves me, so it is okay. I did a lot of laying around today...kind of boring, but I was tired. Did my exercises with dad...they are supposed to make me big and strong. Dad said my range of motion was good...didn't get any cream cheese, so not sure what that means. When mom came home I got some cream cheese...I was happy to see her. She also had me do some exercises. She says I was kicking my legs around a little while she was walking me with my sling. She kept saying I was a good boy...hope that means extra cream cheese. My Auntie said we could go for ice cream soon, I like ice cream too, not as much as cream cheese, but it is still yummy. Usually, I get some cheeseburger first, well, it is mom's dinner, but she shares. I don't share my ice cream though, I would, but she never asks. Maybe I should just let her have a lick? I should share. Oh, last night, I got a piece of a banana, I think it is a fruit, very yummy! I wonder if I could get a banana with cream cheese on it? I think everything is better with cream cheese. I think mom stopped giving me pills even...well, time for bed, I need my rest. Licks...Fozzie

1 comment:

  1. Hey little pumpkin...i hope you don't get too much cream cheese. It is high in fat and you know how labbies can get "plump" if they don't watch what they eat - lol. You look perfect just the way you are right now!! I work at a vet hospital and all the puppies get cream cheese when they get their puppy shots. That way they have no idea that they are getting shots - yeh! I hope the doctor says good things about your progress. Ask him about pain meds. Make sure you have enough. We love you Fozzie Bear....
    Hugs, K
