Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Happy No Hump Day!

Foz swelling is going down! Mom is so happy...I really enjoy the hot compresses...I get to chew on a bone and hang with mom. I know it is important not to have it, so I am happy it is getting better too. Mom was so happy today...she cried though, I guess happy tears. We were in my pen together and she was putting my compress on (ok, I admit, I was being a goofy puppy and trying to eat it) I wasn't comfortable, so I stood up and pivoted into mom's lap! I really wanted to sit on mom, so it worked! Mom said I was a very good boy...yes, I even got some cream cheese! I love cream cheese...Got to hang out with dad today...we did exercises...I feel pretty good. Mom took me walking around the back with my sling...she laughs because my legs go every which way but the right way...I look back at her because she is moving too slow...she laughs at me...hurumph...Mom's...time for me to get my's orders...more tomorrow...licks and kisses...Fozzie


  1. You sound like you are doing well, Fozzie Bear! I am so happy the swelling is going down; that is encouraging. Your Mom and Dad are super special people and you are one lucky pup!!!! Lots of us are praying for you. Hope you always have cream cheese to brighten your day :)
    Hugs and kisses...

  2. Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to keep us all updated, Foz-bo. So glad you had a No-Hump Day today!!! Wahooo!!!
