Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Night Before

Howdy! Fozzie here, mom is busy cleaning up from dinner, so I figured I would stop in and say Woof! Mom keeps telling me tomorrow is the big day, wonder if I will get extra cream cheese? Mom did give me a few extra licks tonight, I am special she said. I am not nervous, I am going to be a brave boy so mom doesn't worry. I know so many people are pulling for me and that makes me happy. Mom said I am her lil Fozzie Boo Boo and I will be okay. She smiles when I wag my tail at her, I love mom's smile. Kind of like how she loves when I give kisses and wag my tail. I am going to miss everyone while I am at the hospital. Mom says I will be there for a few days. I am not sure what that means...sure hope they have cream cheese. Mom said she will come and visit me, that makes me happy. I guess I better get some rest...humm...maybe I should chew on a bone for a while instead...not easy having to make these decisions. Ok, I am going to chew on my bone. Mom will write tomorrow and let everyone know how it goes. Please take care of her...she is really worried about me. Licks, Tail Wags and Slurps ... Fozzie

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