Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Happy Sunday!

Hi Everyone! Had a busy weekend...still not walking...but mom says I have good strength when we do my physical therapy. I am trying...I found something I like almost as much as cream cheese...Bully Sticks! Now, don't get me wrong, cream cheese is still my favorite, but these sticks are yummy. Mom says they are good for me since I am teething...I think she just doesn't want me chewing on her arm...that is nice and soft though. I am enjoying my hot compresses, I get to sit and snuggle with mom...she lets me chew on a bone while she does it. I fell asleep tonight when she was doing my physical therapy. I was kind of bummed today...don't tell mom though, she will get upset. I was watching my foster brother Donny (Mom says he survived distemper, that is why his front legs move on their own...she said twitch was what they do) anyway, Dad put up a big kiddie pool and Donny was having a blast running through it and playing...I so wanted to join him...sigh...but I couldn't. Mom says as soon as I am strong and healed I can play tough. Mom said I am going for swim therapy next weekend if the surgeon says it is okay. I hope he does, I would love to go swimming with mom. Mom and dad are so good to me...I know it has to be hard always cleaning me up, carrying me and keeping me bed dry. Mom is always doing laundry...but she doesn't mind. I love my mom...nite Foz....


  1. FOZ! I was wondering when you were going to post another update!!! Your mommy rocks! Keep your cute little chin up. You'll be in that pool SOON!

    We LOVE you Foz!
    Bev and Wayne-the-labby!

  2. We missed your updates, Fozzie Bear. Figured you were busy with physical therapy. Glad you like the bully sticks! My Lab loved them, too. Swimming sounds fun....hope you get to go soon. Keep us posted. Cream cheese and bully sticks forever!!!
