Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Postponed Till Tomorrow

Well, we are now on for tomorrow. Fozzie's MRI took longer than expected. Everyone was concerned he would be under anesthesia for too long and since he is so young it wasn't a good idea. So, we are now waiting for Fozzie to get home. He is riding shotgun and his foster dad is stuck at work. They will head out first thing in the morning, this means another day of no breakfast for the Foz (that is not going to go over well with him) but I will sneak him some cream cheese. He gets so happy over the smallest things. With Fozzie's surgery delayed this means he probably won't be home until Monday or Tuesday depending on how he does. I am hoping I maybe able to visit him over the weekend, I suppose it will depend on how quiet and sedated they need him to be. (good luck keeping the Foz quiet!) Better get some dinner ready for him. Have to open a new tub of cream cheese too...he will be so happy! Thank you everyone for caring about this very special lil man!

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