Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

No swimming for the Foz...for a while

Foz here...having a bad couple of days...yesterday I got frustrated with mom...she was just trying to help me and I got nasty. I was growling and biting at her...she got very sad...I felt bad. It gets so frustrating...I can't play...I am stuck behind bars (ok, it is a pen, but still) and I have all this puppy energy with no where to go! Sigh...I felt bad I was mean to mom though...I know she is only doing what is best for me...I thought maybe she didn't love me anymore...but I got my cream cheese this I know she still loves me. I love cream cheese...makes everything better for a moment. Mom was proud of me accidents in my pen...she gave me a bully stick to chew on...they are almost as good as cream cheese...lasts longer...nah, cream cheese wins. Found out today I can't go swimming for 5-6 weeks! Mom was really bummed...surgeon said I needed a lot more time to heal before he would give the clearance for it. I think mom is feeling overwhelmed and she is worried about my muscles. I need to let mom do more physical therapy on me...I just don't like it...but I know she does it to help me...not easy being me lately. I do love my bully sticks though...they are tasty. Don't try and steal it from me or I will tell you what I think! I hope I can play soon...being sick stinks...I think I am loosing a tooth or will be happy! Well...I am getting I should get some rest...Nite Everyone...Fozzie

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Happy Sunday!

Hi Everyone! Had a busy weekend...still not walking...but mom says I have good strength when we do my physical therapy. I am trying...I found something I like almost as much as cream cheese...Bully Sticks! Now, don't get me wrong, cream cheese is still my favorite, but these sticks are yummy. Mom says they are good for me since I am teething...I think she just doesn't want me chewing on her arm...that is nice and soft though. I am enjoying my hot compresses, I get to sit and snuggle with mom...she lets me chew on a bone while she does it. I fell asleep tonight when she was doing my physical therapy. I was kind of bummed today...don't tell mom though, she will get upset. I was watching my foster brother Donny (Mom says he survived distemper, that is why his front legs move on their own...she said twitch was what they do) anyway, Dad put up a big kiddie pool and Donny was having a blast running through it and playing...I so wanted to join him...sigh...but I couldn't. Mom says as soon as I am strong and healed I can play tough. Mom said I am going for swim therapy next weekend if the surgeon says it is okay. I hope he does, I would love to go swimming with mom. Mom and dad are so good to me...I know it has to be hard always cleaning me up, carrying me and keeping me bed dry. Mom is always doing laundry...but she doesn't mind. I love my mom...nite Foz....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Happy No Hump Day!

Foz swelling is going down! Mom is so happy...I really enjoy the hot compresses...I get to chew on a bone and hang with mom. I know it is important not to have it, so I am happy it is getting better too. Mom was so happy today...she cried though, I guess happy tears. We were in my pen together and she was putting my compress on (ok, I admit, I was being a goofy puppy and trying to eat it) I wasn't comfortable, so I stood up and pivoted into mom's lap! I really wanted to sit on mom, so it worked! Mom said I was a very good boy...yes, I even got some cream cheese! I love cream cheese...Got to hang out with dad today...we did exercises...I feel pretty good. Mom took me walking around the back with my sling...she laughs because my legs go every which way but the right way...I look back at her because she is moving too slow...she laughs at me...hurumph...Mom's...time for me to get my's orders...more tomorrow...licks and kisses...Fozzie

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Tuesday!

Foz here...I had a busy two days. Yesterday I went to work with dad, well, I think they tell me that but I am really going to the vet. I like going with dad though, I get lots of attention all day. Mom was worried about the swelling on back, surgeon said I was over doing it. I was just being me! So, I am on limited duty and I get hot compresses twice a day. I really like those, they feel good. Mom said my Quasi Motto hump is going down, I think she is teasing me. Hot compresses aren't as good as cream cheese...I love cream cheese. I did a little walking around with my sling today. Mom said my legs were going every which way and I was being a silly boy. I was just happy to be up and moving! Couldn't do too much though, doctors orders. Mom says I am going to go swimming on July 3rd. I am not sure what that means, but I will be with mom so it should be fun. Well, guess I better get some rest. Dad is home tomorrow so it should be a busy day. Nite...Foz

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

I love when Mom is home! We had such a fun day...Happy Father's Day Dad! I know they are just fosters, but I love them just the same. (I think they feel the same about me) Mom spent a lot of time with me today, I love when she rubs my tummy and I give her kisses. I know she is worried about me, again. I have some swelling where they removed my spinal column. It has gotten a little worse over the last couple of days. I tell her not to worry, but I guess that is what moms do. It isn't slowing me down at all. Mom walked me around on my sling today, I told her I don't need it, but she says I am just a silly lil man. I was trying really hard to move my legs, everytime I did mom said I was a good boy, I like when she tells me that. I am really trying, sometimes they listen and other times they don't. Both mom and dad seemed happy with how they were working today. Mom says she can't wait to see my tail wag like it used was moving today, but I still just can't get it to do it when I am happy and want it to. I am lucky, my mom and dad are doing everything they can for me...I just want to be better so I can play with everyone soon. Mom said I maybe swimming next weekend...I have never swam before...oh, well, I was in a kiddie pool once, I liked that. Mom says she will swim with me...I love my mom...oh, but it is Father's day so better say I love my dad too. It is late and I am I better go to bed now...Nite...Licks...Fozzie

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Just another Saturday...I am feeling pretty good. Mom is worried though, I have some swelling on my back. Mom says it is where they removed some of my spinal cord. She is keeping an eye on it. I think it is going to mean a trip to the vet tomorrow to make sure everything is okay. Mom is a nervouse nellie, but she loves me, so it is okay. I did a lot of laying around today...kind of boring, but I was tired. Did my exercises with dad...they are supposed to make me big and strong. Dad said my range of motion was good...didn't get any cream cheese, so not sure what that means. When mom came home I got some cream cheese...I was happy to see her. She also had me do some exercises. She says I was kicking my legs around a little while she was walking me with my sling. She kept saying I was a good boy...hope that means extra cream cheese. My Auntie said we could go for ice cream soon, I like ice cream too, not as much as cream cheese, but it is still yummy. Usually, I get some cheeseburger first, well, it is mom's dinner, but she shares. I don't share my ice cream though, I would, but she never asks. Maybe I should just let her have a lick? I should share. Oh, last night, I got a piece of a banana, I think it is a fruit, very yummy! I wonder if I could get a banana with cream cheese on it? I think everything is better with cream cheese. I think mom stopped giving me pills even...well, time for bed, I need my rest. Licks...Fozzie

Thursday, June 17, 2010

No Place Like Home

There is no place like home! Don't get me wrong, they took really good care of me at the Hospital, but I have my mom and dad here! I know it isn't easy on them. Today, I pooped and pee'd on my mom a couple of times. I really to be a good boy, but I am having a hard time holding it. I felt bad, but mom said it was okay and she just cleaned us up. That was cool considering she had to go back to work one of the times. She still gave me cream cheese tonight, so I know she loves me. We were doing some exercises earlier today, I was trying to nibble on her hand, she was giggling. I like when I make mom laugh. I guess I should be more serious though, mom tries really hard to hold me so I can stand and put weight on my legs. Sometimes when I get moving I think I am walking, I don't know if I am though. I can't wait to run around and play...for now I am stuck behind the bars...I have had a pretty busy day...I guess I should get some rest. Mom says I need all the rest I can so I can get better. She is a smart mom...Nite Foz

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Home Sweet Home!

Foz here...don't tell Mom I am on her computer, I am supposed to be resting :-) I am HOME!!! There is no place like home! Mom had cream cheese waiting for me and everything! I am a little bummed, I am stuck in the crate, everyone else is running around, mom says I need my rest. She says I need to get well and strong so I can play. I want to play. I am having a hard time moving around. I keep telling my rear legs to get up and go, but they aren't listening. Dr said it will take time, so I guess I have to be patient. Mom was helping me with a sling, I was able to move really fast with that, but I couldn't get away, she was chasing me though, that was fun. Did I mention I had my cream cheese tonight? I didn't have any at the hospital, I like being home. Well, I guess I better get some rest, mom says I need a nap. I am really not tired knows best. Nite...Fozzie

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mom Visited today!

Foz here...Mommy came to visit me today! She brought me cream cheese! I was so happy to see her...I tried so hard to stand up when she got there but I just couldn't. Mom started crying, I got pretty frustrated, but I did have cream cheese! I over heard mom talking to the Dr. he told her the MRI was one of the worst they had seen. They had to remove 4 inches of the top of my vertebrae to relieve the compression on my spine. I am really not sure what that means, but I do have an owie on my back from it. Mom says it is about 8 inches long. It felt so good to have mom rub my side and head. After I got upset that I couldn't stand I got tired and laid down. Mom sat with me for a long time, I fell asleep so I wasn't sure when she left. She was with me a while. She brought me a bone and some of my yummy food. Hospital food isn't so good...I like mom's food. I don't like seeing mom cry...she did that alot today. The Dr also said we have a long way to go to know if I will be okay...I am okay...well, I just can't stand up. (yawn) well I am getting tired again, tomorrow dad comes to work and I will see him! I hope I get to go home soon...Kisses, Slobbers and Licks Fozzie

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day After Surgery

Foz here...don't tell mom I am on a computer, I am supposed to be resting. I wish my foster mom was here...everyone is being really nice to me and I am getting lots of love, but I miss my mom. I did get some chicken cream cheese, I asked, but they didn't understand. Maybe mom will bring me some...I miss my mom (and cream cheese) My back is really sore today. I did get to go outside, they are walking me with a funny thing around my waist. I heard someone call it a sling. It is pretty cool...I can stand up with it...trying to get my legs to go, but they are still not cooperating. The nice lady said not to worry, just take it I am. I am having fun watching the people go by me, I try to get their attention when they look over my way. When I do a get some is cool. Well, I am getting tired now...I have been sleeping alot...everyone says that is good and what I should be doing. G'nite everyone...Fozzie

Friday, June 11, 2010

Surgery Day

Hi Everyone,

Today was Fozzie's surgery. Spoke to the surgeon and it went well. His spinal cord was definitely be compressed. At this point there is no way to know if the compression did permanent damage. Over the next few weeks we will be monitoring Fozzie to see how much control he has over his rear legs. Our hope is he will be able to regain full control, but we will love Fozzie no matter what happens. Fozzie will remain in the hospital for at least the next 3 days. He is on aggressive pain medication and sedation. The surgeon mentioned on the phone today that his procedure, given the location (on the curvature of the spine) was extremely painful :-( I just called to check on him, the nurse said he was resting comfortably, held his little head up slightly and was looking around watching everyone. That sure sounds like the Foz. I am hoping they will let me visit the lil man on Sunday, but it is up to the Doctor on duty. They don't want him to get all riled up, so I may have to wait until he comes home. I will call in the morning to see how he is doing. The house is really quite without him. Please continue to keep Fozzie in your thoughts and prayers. Love you Fozzie...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Postponed Till Tomorrow

Well, we are now on for tomorrow. Fozzie's MRI took longer than expected. Everyone was concerned he would be under anesthesia for too long and since he is so young it wasn't a good idea. So, we are now waiting for Fozzie to get home. He is riding shotgun and his foster dad is stuck at work. They will head out first thing in the morning, this means another day of no breakfast for the Foz (that is not going to go over well with him) but I will sneak him some cream cheese. He gets so happy over the smallest things. With Fozzie's surgery delayed this means he probably won't be home until Monday or Tuesday depending on how he does. I am hoping I maybe able to visit him over the weekend, I suppose it will depend on how quiet and sedated they need him to be. (good luck keeping the Foz quiet!) Better get some dinner ready for him. Have to open a new tub of cream cheese too...he will be so happy! Thank you everyone for caring about this very special lil man!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Night Before

Howdy! Fozzie here, mom is busy cleaning up from dinner, so I figured I would stop in and say Woof! Mom keeps telling me tomorrow is the big day, wonder if I will get extra cream cheese? Mom did give me a few extra licks tonight, I am special she said. I am not nervous, I am going to be a brave boy so mom doesn't worry. I know so many people are pulling for me and that makes me happy. Mom said I am her lil Fozzie Boo Boo and I will be okay. She smiles when I wag my tail at her, I love mom's smile. Kind of like how she loves when I give kisses and wag my tail. I am going to miss everyone while I am at the hospital. Mom says I will be there for a few days. I am not sure what that means...sure hope they have cream cheese. Mom said she will come and visit me, that makes me happy. I guess I better get some rest...humm...maybe I should chew on a bone for a while instead...not easy having to make these decisions. Ok, I am going to chew on my bone. Mom will write tomorrow and let everyone know how it goes. Please take care of her...she is really worried about me. Licks, Tail Wags and Slurps ... Fozzie

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday Night

Hi All! Fozzie here, snuck on the computer while my foster mom was cooking dinner. I just had my cream cheese...I LOVE cream cheese! Mom says I look goofy when my eyes open really wide while I am eating it, what can I say? I had a good day today, did my crate rest (ok, that is really no fun) chewed on an antler and had my mom chase me. I was feeling pretty goofy so instead of going into my crate I ran the other was funny watching my foster mom chase me laughing. She said it was nice to see me act like a puppy. Of course, she caught me, I was going so fast that my mind kept going and the legs stopped. Oh well, was still fun and made mom laugh. I like watching her laugh. I know she is worried about me, she said Thursday is right around the corner. I didn't see it around the corner when I went outside, but I believe her. I wonder if they will have cream cheese at the hospital? Better make sure mom gets them some for me. Time to go and chew on a bone, I can't decide if I want the horse shoe or big one...not easy making these big decisions...Licks, Slobbers and Tail Wags...Fozzie

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lazy Sunday!

Happy Sunday! Fozzie here, giving my foster mom another day off, she deserves it. We had such a fun day just hanging out at home together. I like when my foster mom is around, she talks to me a lot and I love it when she rubs my belly. She says I have a "Yogi Belly" not sure what that means but when she says it she rubs my tummy and it makes me happy. She says I give the best puppy kisses, I try. Today, while I was laying around in my dog bed, I was thinking just how lucky I am. I had a home, then I went to a noisy, cold place and then back to a better, loving home. I sure am lucky that my foster mom thinks I am special. I know mom is really worried about my surgery, I keep giving her kisses and tail wags so she knows I am okay, but she still gets sad. I am not nervous, I know everyone is doing what is best for me. I hope she will be okay. My foster dad seems better, he will be with me when I have my surgery, so I think that helps. I am kind of glad he will be there too, this way if I get scared he can hug me. Did I mention I love cream cheese? I had some more today. I don't know what's in it but boy do I love it! Oh, I got to check out the pool today, now I get it, it is a big water bowl! Mom says one day I will be swimming in one to help my rear end get stronger, she is so smart. Well, I better go and take a potty break, don't want to have an accident in the house. I know my foster mom says it is okay, but I really try not to do it. Sometimes the medication doesn't give me a chance to get outside, but I am feeling really good today so better get going! Kisses, Licks and Tail Wags...Fozzie out

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Happy Saturday!

Hi Everyone! Fozzie here, wanted to give my foster mom the night off. She worked hard at an adoption event today. Right now I am chill'in on a comfy dog bed chewing my nylabone. I was pretty happy today, I was able to spend some time out in the backyard playing. It was hot, but I had an umbrella to sit under and stay cool. My foster dad even put out a kiddie pool, I wasn't sure what to do with it, but I was happy it was there. I just had cream cheese, I LOVE cream cheese, I think my mom sneaks pills in there, but I don't mind, it is yummy! My foster mom keeps telling me I am going to have surgery on Thursday, I am really not sure what that means, but she says it will help me feel better and walk better. I do worry about her though, sometimes when she talks to me about it she cries. I know she is sad I cannot play and be a normal puppy, but I want her to know I am very happy and I think I get around pretty is hard to catch me once I get going! Oh well, guess I better get back to resting, all the fun today made me sleepy. Mom says I need my rest to grow big and strong...she is so smart...Puppy Kisses and Tail Wags...Fozzie

Friday, June 4, 2010

2nd Surgical Consult

This Thurday Foz went in for another consult and examination. Foz has visibly been in pain the last few days and I know we need to come to a determination on how we can help him now. Is there a surgical option? Do we have to wait for him to grow more before surgery? What are the risks? So many questions, hopefully we will get some answers...Foz is going to have surgery on 6/10. They are going to do a Dorsal Decompression Laminectomy, which in laymans terms means they are going to open up Foz from the top, remove the portion of the spinal column that is damaged and try to take the pressure of the spinal cord. We are hoping this will help him gain control over his rear legs and relieve the pain he has been in. Until then he will remain on the steroids and Tramadol for the pain. Paws crossed for the Foz...

Foz's First MRI

Well, Foz had his MRI today. I don't even know what to say...the news was horrifying. Our sweet, adorable Foz has a broken back! Everyone was thinking rear legs, rear injury, but the MRI showed a break to Foz's back right below the shoulder blades. It is where the shoulders, ribs and spine converge on each other and a spot that is very hard to stabilize. The surgeon and neurologist want to sit down and talk about how we should move forward with Foz's treatment. As Foz's foster mom I am crushed, I would have never expected a broken back, but we will do everything we can to make sure Fozzie has a great life. For now Foz is on crate rest...not an easy feat for a 10 week old puppy!

One week Later

Foz has been on the steroids for a week now and we are seeing some improvement, but really not enough to feel he is getting better. Foz is scheduled for an MRI and we are hoping to learn more. X-rays have been done on his lower body and nothing is apparent. The next step is the MRI to see deeper than the x-rays. Paws crossed we get an answer to what is ailing this sweet, adorable boy! Yes, I am a biased foster mom!

First Day Out of the Shelter

Fozzie (Foz for short) settled into his foster home pretty quickly. Foz so desperately wants to be a puppy, unfortunately his rear legs aren't cooperating. Foz has been on steroid therapy for a few days at the shelter and we continued that once he was home. You can see in the picture he doesn't sit quite right and he drags his rear legs most of the time. Foz gets around really well and he is able to stand up for a quick second before his legs give out. Foz loves to chew on his nylabone! Foz is eating and drinking like a normal puppy.

Fozzie - aka Benny

It was Thursday April 29th and an email comes in from the South Los Angeles Animal Shelter asking for a rescue to help Benny. Benny is a 8-9 week old puppy who was surrendered by his owners after he had an "accident" Benny was having problems using his rear legs and the shelter knew he needed to get out. With a deadline of May 1st to come and get him Labradors and Friends went into action. On Saturday Benny was pulled and on Sunday he was picked up. Here is Benny in the car heading to his foster home. As soon as we met him and saw how cute and fuzzy he was we decided his new name would be Fozzie (as in Bear)