Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happy Wednesday!

Hi Everyone!

Foz here! Sorry it has been a and I have been really busy! Let's see...where to begin...well...somehow I ended up with demodex mange on my eye and belly. It doesn't bother me at says it is because my immune system was so stressed...I don't understand...I am not stressed...I am a happy boy! I do get some really tasty salmon oil now in my food because of it, so I am not complaining. I have been doing A LOT of swimming...I was also fitted for a cart around Labor Day. I got the cart...I used it a is including a picture of me in it...BUT...with all my hard work I am actually walking! I saw another orthopedic surgeon...and a neurologist...the neurologist said I am in good shape...the ortho was concerned about my knees...said they weren't developing properly. the pool I went...I am still not really thrilled about the water...but I like racing to the steps to get out. Mom says I am silly. Aunt Lucie has been taking me during the week so I can swim with her in their pool. I miss mom and I know she misses me too when I am there...I come home and she is happy. I still have the cart...haven't really needed it much since I have been walking on my own. Mom says I look like I have been drinking...I don't care...I am having fun! I love sneaking up behind mom and then when she turns around running the other way...I bunny hop...but I get moving. Mom giggles...I am having fun. You know what? I found out I like other cheese besides cream cheese! I caught on to mom hiding pills in there...I still love it but I gotta watch her...I was eating some swiss cheese and really liked it too! Still love cream cheese...I have a really good appetite now...lots of muscle on my body says I am growing...I am still her little Fozzie Boo...she is silly...moms! Moms are great as they love you just the way you are...Nite Fozzie Boo

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lots to tell!

Hi Ho Foz here...been a very busy week...I am not even sure where to begin...oh wait...getting some cream cheese...I love cream cheese...still on a diet...I am getting stronger...guess it is working...Aunt Lucie and Aunt Trish took me to a neuro surgeon on Monday to get a second opion. The good news is neurologically she felt I was in great shape. Everyone was impressed with how well I am doing after only having surgery 2.5 months ago. We then met with an orthopedic surgeon and the news there was also good. My spine is in good shape, hips are knees aren't quite right. Seems my knee is turning outward (I think that is what they said) and that is causing me to be bow legged and could be causing my leg issues. So, for the next 10 days I am having intense physical therapy so when they do a recheck everyone can determine if I need to wear braces. They are hoping that my bones are still soft and molding so they can get the knee back in place without surgery...I don't really want to have surgery and Lucie say it will help me but I am scared...I don't want to have to go through that again...I got to sleep over Aunt Lucie's Monday night...we went swimming and ran around the yard (I can move really good in my sling!) I came home last night and spent time with mom and the gang. Tomorrow I am going to Aunt Lucie's for another sleep over. I enjoy those...I get to sleep with Port, he is a cool black lab. I miss mom when I am gone...but I have fun at Aunt Lucie's. I think we will see Trish tomorrow...I get to hang out with them at the pool...I am so lucky. Lucie and Trish have been trying to find a cart for me...I think they may have found one...they won't be able to catch me with wheels...I am pretty fast when I get going. I have been doing a lot of swimming...I am beginning to like it...still not a big fan...but it isn't so bad. Mom says it is making me stronger...I can stand now for a short time on my own...I have also learned to lean on things to hold myself up...everyone gets so proud of me when I stand and walk. I can take a few steps before my legs cross...that is what we are working on now...I am trying but my leg just won't says I will get there...she is so smart. Well...I better get some rest...I have a busy day ahead of me...lots of work to do...Licks...Tail Wags and Love, Fozzie

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hi Ho! Foz here...sorry it has been awhile...been too hot to type on the computer...I don't like this it cool off please. Lots of new stuff to report...I have been swimming more...I was starting to like it and then I had a bad experience...I like with Trish and Lucie take me swimming...someone new took me on Saturday and I didn't like it. My head kept going under wasn't got a little upset...she took me swimming on Sunday to make sure I was okay with the pool. We got to swim at Aunt Andrea and Uncle Robert's they left after we went in the said we are going back tomorrow...maybe they will swim with me too! Last weekend mom took me to Yappy Hour at Trish's...we went with Aunt Lynn and Abbie. We had fun...I like Auntie Lynn and Abbie...Abbie is chill...she like me...I asked her if she liked cream cheese...she wasn't sure...Auntie Lynn...if you read this please see if Abbie likes cream cheese...I told her how great it is. Lucie (she is in the pictures) took me swimming at the Yappy Hour...then I got to run around...Trish put my sling on and away we went...I am pretty fast...wish my back legs worked a little better right leg keeps tripping me up. Mom says I am doing much better...that makes me happy. Maya is still using the laser on me and giving me my uses some things on me too...not sure how they work, but they seem to be helping. I think cream cheese helps should give me this diet really stinks...I don't like the food. I know I make mom crazy when I spit it out...last week she had a meeting and I got it all over her...don't tell mom...I laughed...she didn't find it mom is trying another is okay...I have to check and see if the diet food is mixed in...if it is I don't eat says I am fussy...I don't like being on a diet...gotta get mom with the program. I think I am looking pretty good...wonder if I will get more cream cheese tonight...I don't think mom gave me my pills more prednisone...not sure what that means, but mom says it is good...I am trying to walk more and more...I think I am going to swim on Thursday also...Lucie is going to take me in the morning for mom. Lucie and mom are determined to help me...I love mom and Lucie is so cool...well...I am going to go outside where it is cooler...Licks, Tail Wags and Slobbers...Da Foz...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy Hump Day!

Hi Ho Everyone! Foz finally let me on the computer...she has been so busy lately that she won't let me use it...silly mom. So, I started out on the treadmill and now I am in the pool! They make me wear this funny says it is a life jacket...helps me float and support my back...I think I look funny...but it does work. Trish, my swim therapist, says I am doing really right leg is causing me grief. It locks and then it crosses in the back. Trish says if we can get that working right I will be on my way to walking. I have been getting left leg is working better...wish I could run and play. I am still getting cream cheese...I love cream cheese...oh and my bully sticks...I get them when mom leaves for work...I have learned to make a big one last all day. When mom comes home and does my e-stim treatments I chew the rest of it. Keeps me busy as it take an hour to do my treatments. Poor mom...she does this every night...she loves me...I love her too...more than cream cheese...that's a whole lot. I do love cream cheese though...but mom is mom. I also get my massages and laser therapy every week. On Saturday's mom just drives me all over...she is tired...I can tell. She says I am becoming a handful...I have learned to bark...I like barking...I can even says I am fearless...I think it is funny. I am looking forward to my massage and swim on Saturday. Mom says we are going to a yappy hour at Trish's on Sunday...wonder if that means I can bark? She said I can swim some more...I am not sure if I really like the water...Auntie Mikell says I have platypus feet...what is that? Mom just laughs at that one...I think I am a pretty good swimmer...I am very determined and serious...I really want to run and play. Guess I better get some says I need it so my body can continue to heal...oh...I am pretty sure mom is hiding pills in my cream cheese...I caught her the other cream cheese so it is ok...anywho...licks...tail wags (yes, I am doing that more and more now!) and nuzzles...Foz (mom has been calling me Foz-n-ator...silly mom)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy Monday!

Foz here...I everyone! What a busy week I had...on Wednesday and Saturday I had another massage and laster treatment. I felt really good after them. Mom now has an electro-stim unit so she gives me treatments everyday at home. I think it is tail is wagging more...I am also trying to get up and move around. Mom gives me massages every night and we do some exercises. Maja said it is to strengthen my core...not sure what that means but I get some extra cream cheese. I think that is what is keeping me alive as mom has me on a diet. I am not sure I am really liking says it is good for me...I think it is called Thrive by Honest Kitchen. Sometimes it tastes better than others...I think mom is still trying to figure it out...not sure I like being on a diet...everyone says I have to more Buddha belly for me. Saturday after my massage mom took me to see Trish at the pool. I got to wear a funny jacket and then WALKED on the under water treadmill! At first I wasn't doing so good, but then I got into a groove and I was moving...I was having a blast...Trish said I would go about 15 steps without crossing my legs in the back. Mom said I looked so happy...I was was so cool. Then the water drained out and I was back to normal...well....normal for now. I didn't like Trish's said she would bring cream cheese next time...I LOVE cream cheese...thankfully I still get some on this diet...I would be lost without it. Wednesday I get to have another massage/laser treatment and then I am going swimming! Trish said she wants to get me in the pool...I am ready...ok, well I am a little scared, it is a big pool! I know Trish will take good care of me there. I really love when Maja does the massage...the laser feels cool gives good massages too. Can someone tell mom I don't want to be on a diet? She isn't listening to me...I think I am stuck with the new food...sigh...oh had some cottage cheese today...cream cheese is better. Gotta run...need to go tinkie (pee pee) talk soon...Licks, Slobbers and Tail Wags Fozzie

Monday, July 26, 2010

Upset Tummy Monday

Howdy! Sorry I haven't been on the computer is limiting my time since we are doing more exercises to walk. It was a busy week last noticed I have a tickle response on my side now. Mom, we know it works, can you please stop doing it all the time? I don't think mom will stop...she is happy about it. I am trying harder and harder to get up and move around. We are doing standing exercises and I can hold my self up for a few seconds. Mom said my tail it getting stronger too. On Saturday we went to a physical therapist. She gave me a great massage, showed mom how do it too and then she used some laser thing to help loosen up my muscles. She then did some kind of neuro stimulator thing on my back. Mom thinks it maybe helping already. We have been doing our has to pinch in between my toes...this makes my leg is annoying but good for my reflexes. I am having a rough night though, mom thinks I may have eaten a bee...I don't remember doing that, but maybe I did. I tried to eat some dinner but kept burbing and feeling sick. I did have some cheese...oh and my cream cheese a little bit ago. Oh, I have too loose my Buddha belly...not good for my says I can still have my cream cheese...I was relieved. But I am getting some crunchy vegetables now with my food...they are pretty says they are good for me...not as good as cream cheese...but the orange things are calls them carrots. Wish I could have more cream cheese is worried about me...I don't want to worry her...but I just don't feel great. Oh well...better get some rest...hope I feel better tomorrow...I bet mom does too...Nite...Tail Wags and Kisses Fozzie

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hot...Nice Weekend!

Hi Everyone! Foz here...sorry for the lag in wouldn't let me on her computer because it was so hot. We spent alot of time outside relaxing instead. I kind of liked spending time with mom...she is always so busy helping when she helps me too. I had a good week, except for the heat...have really been trying to stand up more...I have been getting a lot more time out of Alcatraz, I love that! Mom is letting me play more and it feels good to stretch out. I am loosing my teeth! Mom says it is okay...she seemed kind of happy does hurt a I haven't been really was worried, but I do eat, so she can relax. Besides, I have a Buddha belly according to mom...LOL silly mom. Saturday was so hot to go into the kiddie pool to cool off. Didn't have ice cream some of that today! I did have lots of cream cheese...I still wonder if ice cream is just really cold cream just laughs when I ask her. I think I may have another favorite thing...ANTLERS! They are fun to chew says no animals are harmed...that makes us happy! I think they taste yummy. Mom says it has been 5 weeks since my back is feeling pretty good...I can actually lay on my side and I was trying to roll over yesterday...but wasn't really ready yet. Mom smiled, she said that is a good improvement. Mom was walking outside today and I actually stood up and took 3 steps on my own...then I flopped over...but she said I was a good boy...I got lots of hugs for that. I just wanted to see mom. I got to sleep under her chair today...we napped together was nice...I love spending time with mom. This week we find out if I can go hopes so...she says my back legs are starting to bow...not sure what that means...I know my legs are crossing always makes me correct it...I wag my tail more...that makes mom smile. Well, mom says I need to go and get my rest...need to grow up big and strong...she is so silly...hopefully it won't be so hot so mom will let me on the computer during the soon! Tail Wags and Licks...Fozzie B

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Four Weeks Post Op

Hi Ho! Happy Sunday! It has been a rough couple of days for me...I felt like I was going backwards for the past few days. I peed and pooped on mommy a few times...she didn't mind...I love mom. Mom was worried though about my legs weren't working like they had been. I was trying so hard, but they just wouldn't listen. Mom kept telling me to take it slow...I got frustrated...she gave me cream mom. Today I woke up and felt good! I didn't pee on was a good morning. Mom took me walking around with my sling and the legs were was too. I had breakfast...took a nap and then got to hang outside for a while. Mom even let me escape Alcatraz! I was so happy that I actually stood up! Mom was so happy...she had a big smile...I got more cream cheese...we were happy. Mom says in two weeks I go the surgeon for a follow up and hopefully I will get some more freedom. I like it, so much so I actually feel asleep...go figure...I get out and pass out...I am silly. Does anyone know who Budha is? My mom is teasing me again I think...she is silly. Oh well...I had a busy was home with me! She hung out with me...she said it was in my lair...she also said it is good to be the king...guess I am king foz...wonder if I get more cream cheese...I want some ice cream too...haven't had it in a used to take me for ice cream...hope we can do that again soon...time for says I need my rest to grow big and strong...Tail Wags...Fozzie

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Shake, rattle and roll!

Hi Ho, Foz here...what a day...I was sitting minding my own business, chomping on a bully stick and then my bed started moving! Mom said it was an earthquake, I don't really know what that means, but it was scary and really disrupted my chewing groove...sigh...glad everyone is okay. Mom is silly, she always tells me it is the little things that make her smile. Yesterday I stood up on my own and held it for a few seconds, she was so happy, got lots of good boys...I gave her a tail wag...she smiled. I am going to keep trying to get up is hard though. I tell my body what I want to do, but it doesn't want to listen. Kind of like my bone...I growl at it when it doesn't listen...still no adult teeth. Mom says my puppy teeth hurt...they don't bother me...I was playing with my dog bone toy felt good on my thinks I am teething (I think she is hoping) I was taking a nap before and I was able to lay on my side with my legs out in front of me...I wasn't able to do that back would thought it was a good sign. She loves looking for, I just like being comfy. I have a very comfy and dad make sure I have lots of cushions and a pillow for my head. I like laying on the pillow. I wonder why mom was calling me King Foz the other day...better than Fozzie Motto, but I don't get it. Oh well, better get some rest before the house shakes again...glad dad was home today...Tail Wags, Fozzie

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July everyone! I had a good day today...Mom was telling me I was a good boy after peeing on my own and I wagged my tail! She was so proud of me...I was pretty happy too. I know mom gets so happy with the little things I do. She loves me no matter what...she makes me feel special...I am happy as mom is off tomorrow! We will get to do more exercises in the morning. I am not a fan of the exercise...but mom knows best. I was walking around in my sling says I was doing pretty good...sometimes my legs just go all over...they don't want to listen to me...not sure why...oh well. I had cream cream cheese...I am still pretty sure mom is hiding pills in there...but I don't mind. I got to chew on a bully stick today...they sure taste still won't tell me what it is...wonder where cream cheese comes is so good it must be somewhere cream cheese. I had a pretty busy day today...spent alot of time outside...I was playing with my bones and balls. Mom even gave me some out of the pen time...I enjoyed is nice to be out sometimes. I know mom worries about me getting frustrated and upset...I am trying not too. Still have my puppy teeth! Mom says they are very sharp...her arm is soft and tasty...I am not allowed to chew on it though...I don't understand why...she is I have to mom. Well, it is getting late and I need my rest (that is what mom always says and she is pretty smart) Oh, my hair is growing back and my owie on my back is almost all healed! Mom can't call me Fozzie Moto anymore...she did though...not recently...maybe she long as she doesn't forget my cream cheese it is okay with me. I hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July. (especially my canine pals!) Tail Wagz, Foz.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Friday!

Hi Ho Foz here...Mom finally let me on the computer...she has been really tired all week...I have been keeping her busy :-) Today was a good day...I didn't have any accidents in my pen AND I didn't pee on Mom! She was so happy she kept calling me her good lil'man...I liked that. I even wagged my tail! Mom says it is the little things that keep us I guess not peeing on mom is a good little thing. I have been letting mom do my range of motion exercises, I know she is helping me, so I try not to get frustrated. Today we laid on the dog bed together, I like when we cuddle...she sneaks the exercises in while we are cuddling...she is a smart mom. I am still not walking or really getting up much on my own...I hope I can do it soon...I know...I have to be is hard. At least I didn't take it out on mom this week. I am doesn't get mad at me...she does get sad...but I am always her lil'Fozzie Booboo Head...oh no more compresses did the trick. You know what? I love cream cheese. I had some before...I still think mom hides pills in there...but I don't mind...cream cheese is yummy. I do like bully sticks...cream cheese is better. Ever wonder where cream cheese comes from? I do...Mom said we have a holiday weekend...that means mom is home an extra day...YEAH! More mom time for me...that makes me happy. Still a little bummed I couldn't go swimming...but the surgeon knows best and Mom doesn't want anything bad to happen to me. is getting late and mom says I need my puppy rest. (I just think she wants her computer back...moms!) Have a very safe and happy 4th of July...make sure your furry friends are inside and says I will be tucked in long before the booms come. Nite All...Licks...Foz

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

No swimming for the Foz...for a while

Foz here...having a bad couple of days...yesterday I got frustrated with mom...she was just trying to help me and I got nasty. I was growling and biting at her...she got very sad...I felt bad. It gets so frustrating...I can't play...I am stuck behind bars (ok, it is a pen, but still) and I have all this puppy energy with no where to go! Sigh...I felt bad I was mean to mom though...I know she is only doing what is best for me...I thought maybe she didn't love me anymore...but I got my cream cheese this I know she still loves me. I love cream cheese...makes everything better for a moment. Mom was proud of me accidents in my pen...she gave me a bully stick to chew on...they are almost as good as cream cheese...lasts longer...nah, cream cheese wins. Found out today I can't go swimming for 5-6 weeks! Mom was really bummed...surgeon said I needed a lot more time to heal before he would give the clearance for it. I think mom is feeling overwhelmed and she is worried about my muscles. I need to let mom do more physical therapy on me...I just don't like it...but I know she does it to help me...not easy being me lately. I do love my bully sticks though...they are tasty. Don't try and steal it from me or I will tell you what I think! I hope I can play soon...being sick stinks...I think I am loosing a tooth or will be happy! Well...I am getting I should get some rest...Nite Everyone...Fozzie

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Happy Sunday!

Hi Everyone! Had a busy weekend...still not walking...but mom says I have good strength when we do my physical therapy. I am trying...I found something I like almost as much as cream cheese...Bully Sticks! Now, don't get me wrong, cream cheese is still my favorite, but these sticks are yummy. Mom says they are good for me since I am teething...I think she just doesn't want me chewing on her arm...that is nice and soft though. I am enjoying my hot compresses, I get to sit and snuggle with mom...she lets me chew on a bone while she does it. I fell asleep tonight when she was doing my physical therapy. I was kind of bummed today...don't tell mom though, she will get upset. I was watching my foster brother Donny (Mom says he survived distemper, that is why his front legs move on their own...she said twitch was what they do) anyway, Dad put up a big kiddie pool and Donny was having a blast running through it and playing...I so wanted to join him...sigh...but I couldn't. Mom says as soon as I am strong and healed I can play tough. Mom said I am going for swim therapy next weekend if the surgeon says it is okay. I hope he does, I would love to go swimming with mom. Mom and dad are so good to me...I know it has to be hard always cleaning me up, carrying me and keeping me bed dry. Mom is always doing laundry...but she doesn't mind. I love my mom...nite Foz....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Happy No Hump Day!

Foz swelling is going down! Mom is so happy...I really enjoy the hot compresses...I get to chew on a bone and hang with mom. I know it is important not to have it, so I am happy it is getting better too. Mom was so happy today...she cried though, I guess happy tears. We were in my pen together and she was putting my compress on (ok, I admit, I was being a goofy puppy and trying to eat it) I wasn't comfortable, so I stood up and pivoted into mom's lap! I really wanted to sit on mom, so it worked! Mom said I was a very good boy...yes, I even got some cream cheese! I love cream cheese...Got to hang out with dad today...we did exercises...I feel pretty good. Mom took me walking around the back with my sling...she laughs because my legs go every which way but the right way...I look back at her because she is moving too slow...she laughs at me...hurumph...Mom's...time for me to get my's orders...more tomorrow...licks and kisses...Fozzie

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Tuesday!

Foz here...I had a busy two days. Yesterday I went to work with dad, well, I think they tell me that but I am really going to the vet. I like going with dad though, I get lots of attention all day. Mom was worried about the swelling on back, surgeon said I was over doing it. I was just being me! So, I am on limited duty and I get hot compresses twice a day. I really like those, they feel good. Mom said my Quasi Motto hump is going down, I think she is teasing me. Hot compresses aren't as good as cream cheese...I love cream cheese. I did a little walking around with my sling today. Mom said my legs were going every which way and I was being a silly boy. I was just happy to be up and moving! Couldn't do too much though, doctors orders. Mom says I am going to go swimming on July 3rd. I am not sure what that means, but I will be with mom so it should be fun. Well, guess I better get some rest. Dad is home tomorrow so it should be a busy day. Nite...Foz

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

I love when Mom is home! We had such a fun day...Happy Father's Day Dad! I know they are just fosters, but I love them just the same. (I think they feel the same about me) Mom spent a lot of time with me today, I love when she rubs my tummy and I give her kisses. I know she is worried about me, again. I have some swelling where they removed my spinal column. It has gotten a little worse over the last couple of days. I tell her not to worry, but I guess that is what moms do. It isn't slowing me down at all. Mom walked me around on my sling today, I told her I don't need it, but she says I am just a silly lil man. I was trying really hard to move my legs, everytime I did mom said I was a good boy, I like when she tells me that. I am really trying, sometimes they listen and other times they don't. Both mom and dad seemed happy with how they were working today. Mom says she can't wait to see my tail wag like it used was moving today, but I still just can't get it to do it when I am happy and want it to. I am lucky, my mom and dad are doing everything they can for me...I just want to be better so I can play with everyone soon. Mom said I maybe swimming next weekend...I have never swam before...oh, well, I was in a kiddie pool once, I liked that. Mom says she will swim with me...I love my mom...oh, but it is Father's day so better say I love my dad too. It is late and I am I better go to bed now...Nite...Licks...Fozzie

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Just another Saturday...I am feeling pretty good. Mom is worried though, I have some swelling on my back. Mom says it is where they removed some of my spinal cord. She is keeping an eye on it. I think it is going to mean a trip to the vet tomorrow to make sure everything is okay. Mom is a nervouse nellie, but she loves me, so it is okay. I did a lot of laying around today...kind of boring, but I was tired. Did my exercises with dad...they are supposed to make me big and strong. Dad said my range of motion was good...didn't get any cream cheese, so not sure what that means. When mom came home I got some cream cheese...I was happy to see her. She also had me do some exercises. She says I was kicking my legs around a little while she was walking me with my sling. She kept saying I was a good boy...hope that means extra cream cheese. My Auntie said we could go for ice cream soon, I like ice cream too, not as much as cream cheese, but it is still yummy. Usually, I get some cheeseburger first, well, it is mom's dinner, but she shares. I don't share my ice cream though, I would, but she never asks. Maybe I should just let her have a lick? I should share. Oh, last night, I got a piece of a banana, I think it is a fruit, very yummy! I wonder if I could get a banana with cream cheese on it? I think everything is better with cream cheese. I think mom stopped giving me pills even...well, time for bed, I need my rest. Licks...Fozzie