Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Shake, rattle and roll!

Hi Ho, Foz here...what a day...I was sitting minding my own business, chomping on a bully stick and then my bed started moving! Mom said it was an earthquake, I don't really know what that means, but it was scary and really disrupted my chewing groove...sigh...glad everyone is okay. Mom is silly, she always tells me it is the little things that make her smile. Yesterday I stood up on my own and held it for a few seconds, she was so happy, got lots of good boys...I gave her a tail wag...she smiled. I am going to keep trying to get up is hard though. I tell my body what I want to do, but it doesn't want to listen. Kind of like my bone...I growl at it when it doesn't listen...still no adult teeth. Mom says my puppy teeth hurt...they don't bother me...I was playing with my dog bone toy felt good on my thinks I am teething (I think she is hoping) I was taking a nap before and I was able to lay on my side with my legs out in front of me...I wasn't able to do that back would thought it was a good sign. She loves looking for, I just like being comfy. I have a very comfy and dad make sure I have lots of cushions and a pillow for my head. I like laying on the pillow. I wonder why mom was calling me King Foz the other day...better than Fozzie Motto, but I don't get it. Oh well, better get some rest before the house shakes again...glad dad was home today...Tail Wags, Fozzie


  1. Horray for Foz! Standing on his own, no matter how brief is a great sign! Keep up the good work Lauren!
