Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Friday!

Hi Ho Foz here...Mom finally let me on the computer...she has been really tired all week...I have been keeping her busy :-) Today was a good day...I didn't have any accidents in my pen AND I didn't pee on Mom! She was so happy she kept calling me her good lil'man...I liked that. I even wagged my tail! Mom says it is the little things that keep us I guess not peeing on mom is a good little thing. I have been letting mom do my range of motion exercises, I know she is helping me, so I try not to get frustrated. Today we laid on the dog bed together, I like when we cuddle...she sneaks the exercises in while we are cuddling...she is a smart mom. I am still not walking or really getting up much on my own...I hope I can do it soon...I know...I have to be is hard. At least I didn't take it out on mom this week. I am doesn't get mad at me...she does get sad...but I am always her lil'Fozzie Booboo Head...oh no more compresses did the trick. You know what? I love cream cheese. I had some before...I still think mom hides pills in there...but I don't mind...cream cheese is yummy. I do like bully sticks...cream cheese is better. Ever wonder where cream cheese comes from? I do...Mom said we have a holiday weekend...that means mom is home an extra day...YEAH! More mom time for me...that makes me happy. Still a little bummed I couldn't go swimming...but the surgeon knows best and Mom doesn't want anything bad to happen to me. is getting late and mom says I need my puppy rest. (I just think she wants her computer back...moms!) Have a very safe and happy 4th of July...make sure your furry friends are inside and says I will be tucked in long before the booms come. Nite All...Licks...Foz


  1. Foz, you are such a good boy - enjoy the extra day with your mum and all the good stuff that goes along with that. And just think, you could be recuperating somewhere full of humidity and mosquitoes in July - you got it good, guy. xo

  2. Hehehehehe...Fozzie Booboo Head. HAHAHAHAHA!
