Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Four Weeks Post Op

Hi Ho! Happy Sunday! It has been a rough couple of days for me...I felt like I was going backwards for the past few days. I peed and pooped on mommy a few times...she didn't mind...I love mom. Mom was worried though about my legs weren't working like they had been. I was trying so hard, but they just wouldn't listen. Mom kept telling me to take it slow...I got frustrated...she gave me cream mom. Today I woke up and felt good! I didn't pee on was a good morning. Mom took me walking around with my sling and the legs were was too. I had breakfast...took a nap and then got to hang outside for a while. Mom even let me escape Alcatraz! I was so happy that I actually stood up! Mom was so happy...she had a big smile...I got more cream cheese...we were happy. Mom says in two weeks I go the surgeon for a follow up and hopefully I will get some more freedom. I like it, so much so I actually feel asleep...go figure...I get out and pass out...I am silly. Does anyone know who Budha is? My mom is teasing me again I think...she is silly. Oh well...I had a busy was home with me! She hung out with me...she said it was in my lair...she also said it is good to be the king...guess I am king foz...wonder if I get more cream cheese...I want some ice cream too...haven't had it in a used to take me for ice cream...hope we can do that again soon...time for says I need my rest to grow big and strong...Tail Wags...Fozzie

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