Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hi Ho! Foz here...sorry it has been awhile...been too hot to type on the computer...I don't like this it cool off please. Lots of new stuff to report...I have been swimming more...I was starting to like it and then I had a bad experience...I like with Trish and Lucie take me swimming...someone new took me on Saturday and I didn't like it. My head kept going under wasn't got a little upset...she took me swimming on Sunday to make sure I was okay with the pool. We got to swim at Aunt Andrea and Uncle Robert's they left after we went in the said we are going back tomorrow...maybe they will swim with me too! Last weekend mom took me to Yappy Hour at Trish's...we went with Aunt Lynn and Abbie. We had fun...I like Auntie Lynn and Abbie...Abbie is chill...she like me...I asked her if she liked cream cheese...she wasn't sure...Auntie Lynn...if you read this please see if Abbie likes cream cheese...I told her how great it is. Lucie (she is in the pictures) took me swimming at the Yappy Hour...then I got to run around...Trish put my sling on and away we went...I am pretty fast...wish my back legs worked a little better right leg keeps tripping me up. Mom says I am doing much better...that makes me happy. Maya is still using the laser on me and giving me my uses some things on me too...not sure how they work, but they seem to be helping. I think cream cheese helps should give me this diet really stinks...I don't like the food. I know I make mom crazy when I spit it out...last week she had a meeting and I got it all over her...don't tell mom...I laughed...she didn't find it mom is trying another is okay...I have to check and see if the diet food is mixed in...if it is I don't eat says I am fussy...I don't like being on a diet...gotta get mom with the program. I think I am looking pretty good...wonder if I will get more cream cheese tonight...I don't think mom gave me my pills more prednisone...not sure what that means, but mom says it is good...I am trying to walk more and more...I think I am going to swim on Thursday also...Lucie is going to take me in the morning for mom. Lucie and mom are determined to help me...I love mom and Lucie is so cool...well...I am going to go outside where it is cooler...Licks, Tail Wags and Slobbers...Da Foz...

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Fozbo - you just keep pushing, young man - sometimes getting better will be fun and sometimes it won't. Just put your big boy pants on and do it ;)! Abbie had a fantabulous time with you at Yappy Hour. You were the star of the show! Yay! She really enjoyed meeting all your friends. She can't tell me whether or not she likes cream cheese, but if I were a betting mom, I'd say bring it on!! Anything Foz likes has GOT to be good!! Remember to thank your mom for all the love she's giving you - even the diet food - you lucked out with her, little guy.
