Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy Hump Day!

Hi Ho Everyone! Foz finally let me on the computer...she has been so busy lately that she won't let me use it...silly mom. So, I started out on the treadmill and now I am in the pool! They make me wear this funny says it is a life jacket...helps me float and support my back...I think I look funny...but it does work. Trish, my swim therapist, says I am doing really right leg is causing me grief. It locks and then it crosses in the back. Trish says if we can get that working right I will be on my way to walking. I have been getting left leg is working better...wish I could run and play. I am still getting cream cheese...I love cream cheese...oh and my bully sticks...I get them when mom leaves for work...I have learned to make a big one last all day. When mom comes home and does my e-stim treatments I chew the rest of it. Keeps me busy as it take an hour to do my treatments. Poor mom...she does this every night...she loves me...I love her too...more than cream cheese...that's a whole lot. I do love cream cheese though...but mom is mom. I also get my massages and laser therapy every week. On Saturday's mom just drives me all over...she is tired...I can tell. She says I am becoming a handful...I have learned to bark...I like barking...I can even says I am fearless...I think it is funny. I am looking forward to my massage and swim on Saturday. Mom says we are going to a yappy hour at Trish's on Sunday...wonder if that means I can bark? She said I can swim some more...I am not sure if I really like the water...Auntie Mikell says I have platypus feet...what is that? Mom just laughs at that one...I think I am a pretty good swimmer...I am very determined and serious...I really want to run and play. Guess I better get some says I need it so my body can continue to heal...oh...I am pretty sure mom is hiding pills in my cream cheese...I caught her the other cream cheese so it is ok...anywho...licks...tail wags (yes, I am doing that more and more now!) and nuzzles...Foz (mom has been calling me Foz-n-ator...silly mom)

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