Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hot...Nice Weekend!

Hi Everyone! Foz here...sorry for the lag in wouldn't let me on her computer because it was so hot. We spent alot of time outside relaxing instead. I kind of liked spending time with mom...she is always so busy helping when she helps me too. I had a good week, except for the heat...have really been trying to stand up more...I have been getting a lot more time out of Alcatraz, I love that! Mom is letting me play more and it feels good to stretch out. I am loosing my teeth! Mom says it is okay...she seemed kind of happy does hurt a I haven't been really was worried, but I do eat, so she can relax. Besides, I have a Buddha belly according to mom...LOL silly mom. Saturday was so hot to go into the kiddie pool to cool off. Didn't have ice cream some of that today! I did have lots of cream cheese...I still wonder if ice cream is just really cold cream just laughs when I ask her. I think I may have another favorite thing...ANTLERS! They are fun to chew says no animals are harmed...that makes us happy! I think they taste yummy. Mom says it has been 5 weeks since my back is feeling pretty good...I can actually lay on my side and I was trying to roll over yesterday...but wasn't really ready yet. Mom smiled, she said that is a good improvement. Mom was walking outside today and I actually stood up and took 3 steps on my own...then I flopped over...but she said I was a good boy...I got lots of hugs for that. I just wanted to see mom. I got to sleep under her chair today...we napped together was nice...I love spending time with mom. This week we find out if I can go hopes so...she says my back legs are starting to bow...not sure what that means...I know my legs are crossing always makes me correct it...I wag my tail more...that makes mom smile. Well, mom says I need to go and get my rest...need to grow up big and strong...she is so silly...hopefully it won't be so hot so mom will let me on the computer during the soon! Tail Wags and Licks...Fozzie B


  1. Sounds like a good weekend all-around, Foz-bo! A few steps, a little water action, some ice cream, and nappies with Mom - doesn't get much better than that! You're such a little bug - keep up the good work. It'll all be worth it - your mom will make sure of that!

  2. Hey Buddha Belly! :o) You are growing so fast!!!! And yeah, I agree with Lynn, ice cream, kiddie pool, and naps with Mommy...sounds awesome! Keep that tail waggin!!
