Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Monday, July 26, 2010

Upset Tummy Monday

Howdy! Sorry I haven't been on the computer is limiting my time since we are doing more exercises to walk. It was a busy week last noticed I have a tickle response on my side now. Mom, we know it works, can you please stop doing it all the time? I don't think mom will stop...she is happy about it. I am trying harder and harder to get up and move around. We are doing standing exercises and I can hold my self up for a few seconds. Mom said my tail it getting stronger too. On Saturday we went to a physical therapist. She gave me a great massage, showed mom how do it too and then she used some laser thing to help loosen up my muscles. She then did some kind of neuro stimulator thing on my back. Mom thinks it maybe helping already. We have been doing our has to pinch in between my toes...this makes my leg is annoying but good for my reflexes. I am having a rough night though, mom thinks I may have eaten a bee...I don't remember doing that, but maybe I did. I tried to eat some dinner but kept burbing and feeling sick. I did have some cheese...oh and my cream cheese a little bit ago. Oh, I have too loose my Buddha belly...not good for my says I can still have my cream cheese...I was relieved. But I am getting some crunchy vegetables now with my food...they are pretty says they are good for me...not as good as cream cheese...but the orange things are calls them carrots. Wish I could have more cream cheese is worried about me...I don't want to worry her...but I just don't feel great. Oh well...better get some rest...hope I feel better tomorrow...I bet mom does too...Nite...Tail Wags and Kisses Fozzie


  1. Hope you had a better day today, Fozbo - I know Trish-the-physical-therapist is phenomenal, will give you GREAT treatment and your mom great professional advice. You can't lose with those two tremendous women pulling for you, much less the whole lot of us out in Labs + Friends world. Take good care, and when it's time to exercise again, bring it, baby! You're getting there!

  2. Foz, How was your swim therapy this weekend? Are you doing o.k.?
