Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July everyone! I had a good day today...Mom was telling me I was a good boy after peeing on my own and I wagged my tail! She was so proud of me...I was pretty happy too. I know mom gets so happy with the little things I do. She loves me no matter what...she makes me feel special...I am happy as mom is off tomorrow! We will get to do more exercises in the morning. I am not a fan of the exercise...but mom knows best. I was walking around in my sling says I was doing pretty good...sometimes my legs just go all over...they don't want to listen to me...not sure why...oh well. I had cream cream cheese...I am still pretty sure mom is hiding pills in there...but I don't mind. I got to chew on a bully stick today...they sure taste still won't tell me what it is...wonder where cream cheese comes is so good it must be somewhere cream cheese. I had a pretty busy day today...spent alot of time outside...I was playing with my bones and balls. Mom even gave me some out of the pen time...I enjoyed is nice to be out sometimes. I know mom worries about me getting frustrated and upset...I am trying not too. Still have my puppy teeth! Mom says they are very sharp...her arm is soft and tasty...I am not allowed to chew on it though...I don't understand why...she is I have to mom. Well, it is getting late and I need my rest (that is what mom always says and she is pretty smart) Oh, my hair is growing back and my owie on my back is almost all healed! Mom can't call me Fozzie Moto anymore...she did though...not recently...maybe she long as she doesn't forget my cream cheese it is okay with me. I hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July. (especially my canine pals!) Tail Wagz, Foz.


  1. You have the most beautiful eyes, Fozzie Bear! Glad you had a good day!

  2. Foz, Wayne-the-lab here, I love bully sticks too, and I know what they are! But my mommy doesn't give them to me anymore because SHE knows what they are. They are really good though! Wish my mom would let me have more. I'm going to tell her about cream cheese though; sounds like really good stuff!

    Talk later!
