Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happy Wednesday!

Hi Everyone!

Foz here! Sorry it has been a and I have been really busy! Let's see...where to begin...well...somehow I ended up with demodex mange on my eye and belly. It doesn't bother me at says it is because my immune system was so stressed...I don't understand...I am not stressed...I am a happy boy! I do get some really tasty salmon oil now in my food because of it, so I am not complaining. I have been doing A LOT of swimming...I was also fitted for a cart around Labor Day. I got the cart...I used it a is including a picture of me in it...BUT...with all my hard work I am actually walking! I saw another orthopedic surgeon...and a neurologist...the neurologist said I am in good shape...the ortho was concerned about my knees...said they weren't developing properly. the pool I went...I am still not really thrilled about the water...but I like racing to the steps to get out. Mom says I am silly. Aunt Lucie has been taking me during the week so I can swim with her in their pool. I miss mom and I know she misses me too when I am there...I come home and she is happy. I still have the cart...haven't really needed it much since I have been walking on my own. Mom says I look like I have been drinking...I don't care...I am having fun! I love sneaking up behind mom and then when she turns around running the other way...I bunny hop...but I get moving. Mom giggles...I am having fun. You know what? I found out I like other cheese besides cream cheese! I caught on to mom hiding pills in there...I still love it but I gotta watch her...I was eating some swiss cheese and really liked it too! Still love cream cheese...I have a really good appetite now...lots of muscle on my body says I am growing...I am still her little Fozzie Boo...she is silly...moms! Moms are great as they love you just the way you are...Nite Fozzie Boo