Fozzie Bear

Fozzie Bear

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lots to tell!

Hi Ho Foz here...been a very busy week...I am not even sure where to begin...oh wait...getting some cream cheese...I love cream cheese...still on a diet...I am getting stronger...guess it is working...Aunt Lucie and Aunt Trish took me to a neuro surgeon on Monday to get a second opion. The good news is neurologically she felt I was in great shape. Everyone was impressed with how well I am doing after only having surgery 2.5 months ago. We then met with an orthopedic surgeon and the news there was also good. My spine is in good shape, hips are knees aren't quite right. Seems my knee is turning outward (I think that is what they said) and that is causing me to be bow legged and could be causing my leg issues. So, for the next 10 days I am having intense physical therapy so when they do a recheck everyone can determine if I need to wear braces. They are hoping that my bones are still soft and molding so they can get the knee back in place without surgery...I don't really want to have surgery and Lucie say it will help me but I am scared...I don't want to have to go through that again...I got to sleep over Aunt Lucie's Monday night...we went swimming and ran around the yard (I can move really good in my sling!) I came home last night and spent time with mom and the gang. Tomorrow I am going to Aunt Lucie's for another sleep over. I enjoy those...I get to sleep with Port, he is a cool black lab. I miss mom when I am gone...but I have fun at Aunt Lucie's. I think we will see Trish tomorrow...I get to hang out with them at the pool...I am so lucky. Lucie and Trish have been trying to find a cart for me...I think they may have found one...they won't be able to catch me with wheels...I am pretty fast when I get going. I have been doing a lot of swimming...I am beginning to like it...still not a big fan...but it isn't so bad. Mom says it is making me stronger...I can stand now for a short time on my own...I have also learned to lean on things to hold myself up...everyone gets so proud of me when I stand and walk. I can take a few steps before my legs cross...that is what we are working on now...I am trying but my leg just won't says I will get there...she is so smart. Well...I better get some rest...I have a busy day ahead of me...lots of work to do...Licks...Tail Wags and Love, Fozzie